Site icon visiBi*lity Austria


Dear visis, dear visitors,

I think we don’t have to point out what a turbulent year 2020 is. Last year we finally found a new location for our monthly meet-up (shout out to Villa Vida!), now our meet-ups are primarily happening online, on our discord server.

And apart from that, we had some changes, too: We finally redid our website (we’re still working on it in the background, in our free time, so please be patient! We know that a lot of English translations are currently missing and we’re on it!) and we’re hoping to be a bit more active on here.

We also had our 3rd general assembly in July and voted for a new board: Liv Larsson is head of the board, Juno Dollfuss is acting both as secretary and treasurer and Andreas Schlögl doesn’t have a specific role.

We think meetings indoors aren’t currently safe enough and we try to do our part to physically distancing and reducing covid infections, but we still meet regularly online and organised a discord sever for that. We meet at our usual time and day – every first Wednesday of the month at 7pm – to chat, play games (Jackbox games work really well that way) and just hang out. There’s different rooms, so there should be sth for everybody but if you’re missing something, please just message us!

Next week, on September 23rd, it’s Bisexual Visibility Day again and even though we can’t host a pary this time, we’re still meeting on Discord. On Saturday 26th we planned a picknick in Augarten (close to the entrance Gaußplatz), if the weather allows it (let’s hope so!).

Finally, here’s some of our other platforms: We have a Telegram channel where we post only important updates like events; a facebook page, as well as a private facebook group (whose members are only visible to other members, so don’t worry if you’re not out!).

We hope to see you in some way or another, and we can’t wait to see you all at Villa Vida again, hopefully some time next year.

Lots of love, your visiBi*lity Austria Team

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